11 Tactics for ABM Success at Every Funnel Stage

As B2B prospects demand increasingly personalized experiences, incorporating account-based marketing (ABM) throughout the customer acquisition funnel becomes increasingly important. 

But what does full-funnel integration look like in practice?

Here are some practical steps that marketers can take to improve outcomes at each stage of the ABM integration process. 

Awareness (Top of the funnel or TOFU)

At the awareness stage, you can expose target audiences to your brand’s unique characteristics and selling points.

Identify Target Accounts

Begin by identifying high-value target accounts that align with your business goals. Use data and analytics to understand which accounts are most likely to convert.

Craft Compelling Messaging

Develop clear, consistent messaging that highlights the differentiators and benefits of your product or service. Tailor your messaging for the specific challenges of your personas.

Effective Advertising

Implement paid media such as display banners, mobile banners, paid social ads, and streaming videos. Make sure that the B2B advertising channels you choose align with the preferences of your target audience.

Implement ABM Tactics

Personalize display banners targeting specific accounts to showcase tailored value propositions. Use ABM frameworks to guide consumers along the knowledge timeline. 

For example, personalized banners can be designed to showcase your company’s value propositions, creating deeper connections beyond generic brand awareness.

Engagement (Middle of the funnel or MOFU)

When moving down the funnel into the engagement stage, focus your efforts on building personalized connections with your buyer personas through content, retargeting strategies, and website personalization.

Create Personalized Content

Develop content with personalized messaging addressing your target accounts’ specific problems and needs. Include reasons a prospect should choose your product or service to resonate with your audience and position yourself as a leader in your space. 

Use Retargeting Strategies

Implement retargeting to invite users to account-specific webinars or offer relevant, high-performing content. By leveraging their previous interactions with your content, you can deepen connections for each account.

Optimize Website Interactions

Use tools like ZoomInfo WebSights to create custom audiences based on your website traffic. Also, retarget users with ads for similar content, webinar invites, or free eBook downloads.

Enhance Personalization with Video Content

Create video content showcasing the solutions your product or service addresses. Reinforce your ABM strategy by tailoring the engagement experience to each account’s needs.

Conversion (Bottom of the funnel or BOFU)

At the conversion stage, shift your focus to driving tangible results and proving your company’s ROI for your personas. 

Refine Targeting Parameters

Fine-tune targeting parameters using third-party data and demonstrated intent to reach users with the highest likelihood of conversion. 

Using ZoomInfo Intent, you can dive into data insights to understand who is spiking in unusual research behavior and target those accounts with display and social ads.

Develop Conversion-Focused Ads

Create conversion-focused ads with account-specific discounts, personalized free trials, or exclusive deals. Extend the concept of “conversion” beyond purchases to encompass other valuable actions within the ABM framework.

Implement Personalized Landing Pages

Deploy personalized landing pages with offers and CTAs tailored to each account. This will increase conversion rates by providing a tailored experience aligned with the ABM strategy, showcasing ABM’s effectiveness for your team.

ABM Is a Full-Funnel Effort

Whether it’s about boosting awareness through personalized messages or driving conversions via tailored landing pages, successful ABM requires meticulous attention and customization. 

The rewards can be significant: it’s no mistake that B2B marketing leaders consistently report that ABM produces better pipeline, revenue growth, and overall ROI.  

Ready to optimize your ABM motions with the industry’s top rated sales and marketing data? Request a ZoomInfo Marketing demo today and find out how modern go-to-market teams are employing advanced ABM tactics to win faster.